
Showing posts from February, 2019

King's Theory of Racism: An Essay

  King’s Theory of Racism is one that is often overlooked. The theory of racism accurately encompasses every experience of a black person in a white supremacist world. We tend to see Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as a reverend, a conservative activist, and a promoter for unity rather than a radical or a philosopher. In his theory of racism, he lays out three components which are irrational fears, sociopolitical, and cognitive and empathetic failures. These not only serve as a why but also a how. Why is there racism and racial domination with whites acting as the dominators at this era and how can this treatment be broken. If we separate King, the philosopher, from his popular image we are left with a deeper understanding of racism and how it is reinforced not only by whites during the time but also government institutions. King’s theory of racism can help us analyze even the smallest of actions by white supremacists and evaluate the successes of resistance and activism by ...