How to Prevail in Trying Times

College life can be hard. We get caught up in our present, our past, and our futures. We juggle class 

schedules, work schedules and time with loved ones. Sometimes we don't spend the time we should grinding for those degrees, getting in our bags, or picking up the phone. We're faced with separate trials and tribulations in the different aspects of our lives. We're faced with things opposing our success like hard tests, Satan, or individuals who lack the slightest care for our best interest. The dark clouds seem to cloud our vision before we can see the light. We pray and we ponder. How do we get through this? Will we get through this? Yes!
This post results from trying times of the last few weeks. It manifested from feelings of discouragement, underappreciated, lack of support. It was written through texts with loved ones remembering that I am supported and appreciated. It was formed through feelings of worry and sorrow yet finished through triumph. Prevailing in trying times is difficult for so many of us. Sometimes the trying times last a couple hours, days, months or even years yet it is important for us to know that we will get through. Lately, I haven’t done many posts that are personal, but that’s something I will work on.

Over the past few weeks I have been stressing over school and post-grad life. I’ve been consumed with the thought of how long I will be paying student loans and if I will even make enough to do so. I have been trying to figure what my plans will be after graduation and I’ve gone on a couple trips with my friends and sisters. Although times very recently have been relaxing, yesterday I was snapped back into the reality that people have very little concern or respect for others because we are constantly competing. In our competition, we’re so focused on ourselves that we are consumed with our own greed, jealousy, and cynicism that we don’t realize how much we’re tearing down those around us.

It saddens me to see that this is the world and the reality around us. In those moments, we ask ourselves what we can do and if there’s anything that we can do. From the words of the wise, “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul”.

3 Tips on How to Prevail in Trying Times

1. Pray

We get so caught up in our lives that we forget to have a talk with God about the good, the bad and the ugly. If you know me, you know that I am not super religious, however, I believe that having a relationship and steady communication with God is essential. If there is One who truly knows us inside and out, the worst parts of us and the best, then why would we not reach out to Him in our trying times? Why would we not go to Him and ask for direction or some sort of relief. We must realize that no matter how alone we feel in any kind of space, we are not alone in any way shape or form! I’m not going to say if you have a chance, you should pray. No. Make time to talk to God. Period.

2. Get in Touch with Your Inner Self

When is the last time you’ve had an honest conversation with yourself about yourself? Do you know what you truly need or are you simply guessing based on what your surroundings are telling you? Often time we get distracted by social media. It’s constantly there to tell us how to run our lives and we’re constantly there to be a blind follower. Society tells us that healthy hobbies include scrolling on social media, endlessly watching Netflix and sleeping. The more we follow it, the more we lose our individuality and the connection we must ourselves. But what are you doing to feed your inner self? Everyone need substance in their lives. Substance that will feed their imagination, mind, and spirit. To prevail we must attempt to keep ourselves full. Creating something new isn't exclusive to painting or color, try to do something that relates to what you personally know because you won't find comfort in the passions of others. Feeding your mind is a bit simpler. Read or listen to a book. I would highly recommend Becoming by Michelle Obama! It is a book that has helped sort out a lot of things in my life now! If reading books aren't for you then try to find a nice thought provoking podcast or have a stimulating conversation about anything. It seems vague, but only you know what massages your brain. Finally, in the words of J. Cole, "Meditate. Mediate". Seek peace. Spend some time with yourself where you are releasing all the negative energy that you're carrying. Personally, I like to turn on my pink salt lamp to just the right setting, make my bed and turn the lights off. The essence that's given off in the room brings me comfort. I sit in peace and try to clear my mind. If you do this, don't fall asleep. Focus on the tranquility of the moment and your breathing.

3. Reach Out to Loved Ones  

In a conversation, here recently one my sisters told me, “I don’t know what’s going on in your head, just like you don’t know what’s going on in my head”. (Shoutout to Shay!) With talk to your loved ones, they are there. You may not feel like they’re there but they are! You just must reach out to them and let them know what’s going on with you. Reaching out to them means more than just a simple catching up. Reaching out to them involves having a deeper more meaningful conversation where you can feed each other’s spirits. If you’re in trying times it may not always be a venting session that needs to happen but maybe a loving embrace of each other. The other day my Aunt Senia reached out to me to check in and her simple love and reassurance gave me such relief and comfort. Sometimes we get to caught up in the language of things that we forget to soak ourselves in the good vibrations our loved ones give off. Not only should you soak yourself in their warmth but produce that same warmth for them too. They need you just as much as you need them.

These are just a few minor tips that I use to get myself through tough times. We're going to face hardships at every moment in our lives but it's important to know what we can do to prevail. I wish the best for everyone reading and I hope that I have helped in some sort of way. However, only you can get yourself through trying times. If you have any tips feel free to send them to me!


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