The Divine 9: A Discussion of Dangerous Sexism

The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) consists of the nine historical Black Greek Letter Organizations (BGLOs). Theses nine fraternities and sororities make up the Divine 9 (D9). In this post it will often be referred to as the council. If you've read one of my earlier posts then you are aware that I am a proud member of an organization in the Divine 9. I should say that this isn't a post where I brag about my beloved sorority or where I discuss the history behind the Divine 9. This is a raw post about sexism and misogyny within the council. This discussion should hold the understanding that a sexist may not always be a misogynist, but a misogynist is always a sexist.

Sometimes, Greeks are "supposed" to represent the "best of the best", creme de la creme. We each are supposed to have certain standards and purposes that we uphold ourselves to. Often time, none of this is true. People get caught up in the letters and the atmosphere and forget that they cannot do anything they please. People hide behind their letters and use their Greek families to shield them from their disgusting behavior. Now there are going to be people who read this and say the classic lines of "Well that's not everyone in my fraternity" "Well the white fraternities have rapists" "They know what they're getting themselves into". None of this is okay! If someone says anything negative touching on sensitive topics like sexual assault and misogyny and you say "well my chapter doesn't do that", you're still recognizing that other members other your BGLO do these things. I've witnessed too many boys in these fraternities that see their fellow Greeks and other women as object just for their use and disposal and it is not okay.

During my time in Greekdom, I've witnessed amazing Greek men. Those that have truly upheld the standards that their founders set for them. This post isn't about you, but you know that. I have also witnessed truly disgusting, misogynistic, sexist little boys in colors. I have a few negative experiences that help shape my thoughts around this topic. I've had a male member cuss me out and threaten to hit me at a party because I wanted him to stop bumping on me. I've witnessed a male member hit one of my big sisters and one of my line sisters. I've experienced having to protect one of my line sisters because a member was pretending to be one of his frat brothers, beg for explicit pictures, and threaten her when she refused. This member was specifically targeting members of my sorority. I've personally known members to rape and/or abuse women in the council or other women in general.  I say all of this to show that I've personally witnessed aggressive behavior from members of multiple fraternities within the Divine 9.

I've noticed male members of the Divine 9 treat Greek women and our organizations like auxiliary groups. There's never a hesitation to refer to a woman as a b*tch or a h*e. That is ridiculous. Sometimes its almost as if they don't see us on the same level. It's like we're only there for their use. It can be something as simple as pushing us out the way when we're all strolling or not showing up to support at events, but expecting the women to support unconditionally. It could fraternity members exploiting sororities for internet clout. It may also be something as big as not supporting women for powerful roles within NPHC because there is a feeling of the woman not being able to perform like a man would. I think there should be an understanding the sororities do not receive the same respect as fraternities from the community and the council in general, therefore, we have to work harder.

Accountability. Some people may very well be offended by this paragraph. Shortly after the trial of Bill Cosby, there were debates about innocence, guilt, and blame. It is no secret that Bill Cosby is a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. In July, the fraternity held conclave in New Orleans. There members of the fraternity that were pictured wearing shirts supporting Bill Cosby. Some had shirts stating he was their frat brother or simply had a red pill on it mimicking the situation. To some extent, this doesn't represent the entire organization, although removal of the member would've set a standard for the council. However, this does reflect poorly on those wearing the shirts and those defending Cosby and the members wearing the shirts. It was disheartening to see those who call themselves "Omega Men" defend an accused serial rapist. I was told "he's my frat brother" by members supporting a defending them, but at the end of the day wrong is wrong. The support of Bill Cosby from fraternity members was DISGUSTING, never had I been so disappointed and ashamed. We have turned a blind eye to the aggressive behavior of fraternity members and on many campuses rapes have happened where the member is protected by their chapter and/or faculty. This has got to stop. We turn a blind eye to the sexism in the council, that has got to stop. How can one openly defend a rapist? How can one try to justify the support behind him? The crazy part is that isn't even your line brother so, I can only imagine how a rapey line brother is protected. If we think back to the purpose of the Divine 9.... how can that be upheld if rapists in the organizations are not being held accountable but are being supported and uplifted.

Shortly after I had written this section of the blog, a Greek women called out a certain organization for the aggressive sexual behavior in a social media post and she was met with replies that stated "if the h*es didn't come to our party, it would happen" or "these b*tches beg for it". These are the lines of a rapist. Never in my life have I see a group of men act with such disgrace. I would like to note that this type of behavior isn't exclusive to one organization in the Divine 9 (however most of the aggression can be attributed towards one) but each organization has their fair share of sexual aggressive and predatory members. The worst part of the post was that some of her Sorors and members of the fraternity expected her to be silent because of the relationship between the organizations. For the women who always do whatever for these little boys: Ladies, quit letting these boys disrespect you, your founders, and your organization. You shouldn't be risking your integrity to be a pick me. Just because your organization is close with another one, that does not mean you need to protect them when they are in the wrong.

I brought  up the point of accountability because it seems as though people get so lost in the "bond" or Greekdom that morality is lost. If anything, we should be ensuring that we are the example of morality and ethical behavior. We don't even have the decency to treat fellow Greeks as equals. Greek brothers, check your frat brothers. Please. Rape culture shouldn't be a thing associated with any organization, especially not one affiliated with the Divine 9. There shouldn't be pride in having your organization known for not your work, but for you aggression. I understand that to some this post may feel like I'm targeting your fraternity, which is very reasonable. You're going to feel quick to throw out that its not you, or your chapter which leaves you still subtly recognizing that there are members of your fraternity that relates to this post all too well. If you cant recognize that, you're part of the problem. The disregard for women, black women especially, is a real problem that needs to be handled. I understand that with those post, I'm doing a couple of things. I'm preaching to the choir. While I'm shouting to an empty audience, I find comfort in knowing that there are others who share the same feelings. I'm hoping to spark a more serious conversation.

A special shout out to NPHC at WCU, thank you all for upholding the standards and purposes of your individual organizations which results in strengthening our council.


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